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Check Out Some Canadian Culture in Whistler this Winter

Whistler has always had a very active arts and culture community and it’s only continued to grow in the last year. There are a number of galleries and museums located throughout Whistler that showcase both local and national artists, including the Audain Art Museum.

The Audain Art Museum houses a permanent collection of over 200 pieces that create a visual journey through British Columbia’s history. The museum includes the world’s finest collection of Northwest Coast First Nations masks and a large collection of artwork done by Emily Carr.

Audain Art Gallery Winter

Yesterday, December 13th, the Audain announced it’s newest acquirement to it’s permanent collection – Le Paysage by Emily Carr. This will be the first time the piece has ever been available for the public to view in 28 years! Painted in 1911 by Emily Carr while she was studying in France, Le Paysage shows the development and exploration of her artistic style being formed.

You can learn more about the Audain Art Museum’s newest addition at the Pique News Magazine website or go check it out for yourself at the museum!

There’s also lots of other exhibitions going on in Whistler this winter that you should check out while you’re here. Take a look at some of them below:

Trees of Hope

Ten amazing Canadian artists, in collaboration with Mountain Galleries, were invited to shared their time and talent to paint beautiful Trees of Hope. These artworks are on display in the Chateau during the holiday season and are available for purchase through a silent auction until January 7, 2018! All proceeds from the silent auction will be going to the Canuck Place Children’s Hospice.

Audain Art Gallery Exhibition

Stone and Sky: Canada’s Mountain Landscape

While you’re at the Audain Art Museum checking out the new Emily Carr, why don’t you check out it’s current exhibition – Stone and Sky: Canada’s Mountain Landscape. This exhibition showcases Lawren Harris, the Group of Seven, and other iconic Canadian artists, including Emily Carr, W.P. Weston, Edward Burtynsky, John Hartman, Gordon Smith, and Kenojuak Ashevak. Head over to the Audain Art Museum before February 26th, 2018 to catch a glimpse of all the amazing artwork.

Great White North

If you’re into Canadian culture you’ll want to stop by the Great White North exhibit at the Arts Centre. Browse through a collection of mountain culture photography, winter landscapes, and more. Open until January 7th, you can view work from many artists including; Kate Zessel, Laura Scarr, Lorine van Voorst, Maeve O’Connell, Meghan Spence, Natasha Plumridge, Nora Clarke, Sarah Symes, Sean St. Denis, Ski Heaven, Stacey Bodnaruk, Anne Popma, Marjo Ron, Vierros Denessen, Bea Searle, Bea Gonzalez, Bridget Duckworth, Enda Bardell, Heidi Denessen, Jessa Gilbert, and Vanessa Stark.

Photo Credit: Tourism Whistler